



(Please note that Professor Lassoie retired on January 4, 2021, and is no longer accepting new graduate students) Educated as an ecologist, University of Washington, Seattle (BS, ’68; Ph.D., ’75), I joined Cornell in 1976 with an extension/research appointment. Following various administrative assignments, I now pursue teaching and research in community-based conservation, primarily in developing countries.


詹姆斯·拉索(James Lassoie)被教育为森林树木生态生理学家,他早期的研究集中在温带森林树种的生态学、管理和生理学。他对空气污染和酸性降水对森林树木的生理影响特别感兴趣,并与博伊斯·汤普森研究所(Boyce Thompson Institute)的科学家合作,在那里他担任了多年的助理科学家职务。20世纪80年代中期,拉索开始改变他的研究项目,更多地关注国际环境和保护问题、可持续发展、生态旅游、基于社区的自然资源管理,以及树木在发展中国家和北美农村农业系统中的作用(即农林复合)。他目前研究了当地社区和土著人民在建立和管理公园和保护区方面的作用,可持续的自然资源管理,包括农林业和生态农业,以及跨学科科学在保护方面的应用。现在有三个普遍的问题激发了他的研究。首先,支持有关养护、自然资源和环境管理以及可持续发展的决策过程的主要生态和社会变数是什么?第二,地方社区如何能更有效地参与这类决策过程?最后,如何将“真实”的学习融入保护和可持续发展的课程中?他特别感兴趣的是研究涉及公园、保护区和其他脆弱景观管理的发展中国家和美国的人类和自然系统的耦合。他通常通过与研究生合作来追求这些兴趣,这些研究生中有许多来自正在调查的国家。 Lassoie has served as the major advisor for 41 Masters and 25 Ph.D. students, and presently advise eight graduate students (2 Masters and 6 Ph.Ds.) with projects in Bhutan, Central America, Mali, Mexico, Nepal, and United States. He has assisted with research and development projects in many other countries including Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Sumatra, the Swazi Nation, and Zimbabwe. Lassoie and his wife, Dr. Ruth E. Sherman, worked with The Nature Conservancy between 2003 and 2004 to develop and monitor conservation strategies for parks and protected areas in Yunnan Province in south-central China. We were particularly focused on the ecological impacts of grazing and harvesting of non-timber forest products, including medicinal plants, on alpine ecosystems in northwestern Yunnan. He also helped to develop comprehensive ecological measures of success for different conservation interventions at both the project and ecoregional levels. In particular, Lassoie developed a ground-based, photo-monitoring methodology for assessing ecological changes across large ecoregions. They recently initiated new work in China with collaborators at Beijing Normal University, the Center for Mountain Ecosystem Studies, and The Nature Conservancy. His primary focus for the next five years will be to examine coupled systems in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas with collaborators at Beijing Normal University, where he currently holds an Adjunct Professor position. Lassoie also will continue to develop www.AgricultureBridge.org as a tool for connecting students and practitioners to enhance multidisciplinary experiential learning and collaborative problem-solving. This work involves collaborators at Cornell, the University of California – Berkley, and Ecoagriculture Partners (www.ecoagriculture.org).




促使Lassoie走上学术生涯的是一位有着出色本科教学技能的教授,他不仅能传达信息,而且还能激励学生学习。他偶尔对事实和细节的越轨没有引起人们的注意,因为他的风格、方法,以及对个人经验和见解的运用开阔了学习视野,而拉索仍然在追求这些。具有讽刺意味的是,尽管他渴望效仿,但拉索在康奈尔大学待了25年,之后才开始承担主要的本科教学责任。在此期间,他先后致力于合作推广和学术管理工作。Lassoie能够设计和教授研究生和本科生林学入门课程和一门关于保护和可持续发展的跨学科研究生课程,其中包括在拉丁美洲的实地研究实践,以及定期的研究生研讨会。然而,结果通常是温和的,影响可能是短暂的。因此,他在2001年进入本科课堂时,相对缺乏经验和不安,因为糟糕的教学在自然资源部是不可接受的行为。在拉索第一次面对55名一年级学生之前的那个夏天,参加学院的桑菲尔德体验:促进更有效的教学被证明是一个救星。他回忆道,“关注学生们在学习什么,而不是你在教授什么。”这可能是老师能得到的最好的建议,并且经常重复给别人听。这一简单的课程,以及在课堂上开发体验式、真实的学习环境的承诺,一直引导着他的教学。 Fall semesters he co-teaches a required, introductory course in natural resources and environmental sciences and teaches an elective, upper division international conservation course. He also co-leads a multi-departmental global seminar course spring semesters that links students at institutions around the world to address issues related to development and sustainability. This course relies totally on the use of case studies. Based on this experience he incorporated the use of case studies into his other two courses. Fall semester 2007 Lassoie greatly modified the case study portion of his international conservation course by incorporating direct linkages to six field sites using a newly designed Internet platform, www.ConservationBridge.org. He is currently working to expand the use of this innovative instructional tool that links classrooms to conservation practitioners around the world as the Project Director for a three-year USDA Higher Education Challenge Grant: Agriculture Bridge: Connecting Students and Practitioners to Enhance Multidisciplinary Experiential Learning and Collaborative Problem-solving. He currently is revising his international conservation course with assistance from two undergraduate students who took the course last fall, and a Research Librarian from Mann Library. They are specifically building innovative approaches to incorporating Information Competency into learning exercises, and to further enhancing the interactive, collaborative learning environment that characterizes this course.


  • 美国康奈尔大学ACSF教授(2009)
  • 国际教授(2002年)Cals,康奈尔大学
  • 康奈尔大学聘任康奈尔学院奖学金(2019)
  • KENDALL S. CARPENTER纪念奖奖奖奖(2016)康奈尔大学
  • 从事学习+研究教师研究员(2016)康奈尔大学




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