我集团的重点基本上在花卉作物生产和采后生理的领域,特别是用花灯泡。We are interested in growth control, ethylene effects on plants, interactions of specific plant pathogens (e.g., Fusarium oxysporum fs tulipae) and tulip bulbs in terms of ethylene evolution by the pathogen, carbohydrate metabolism in bulbous plants and physiological disorders (physiological diseases) in floricultural crops. We are also heavily involved in outdoor trialing and evaluation of annuals and perennials in Ithaca’s USDA Hardiness Zone 5 climate. Since ca. 2010, we have been looking at ways to regulate plant growth through root-zone ethylene applications. Since ca. 2013, we have been conducting preliminary research assessing the impacts of peat moss and horticultural substrates on greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 emission) and how this might be related to climate change.